Here are a few of my favourites, although I have about 150 favourites I've narrowed it down to 24.
Finally someone brought me along to the salon with them. Thank goodness I did go or else Sonia may not have her eyebrows and she would have flat wedding hair. (long story)
Carl on his balcony
Sonia on her balcony overlooking the ocean
Where the ceremony was held.
Les parents de Sonia avec Elle
Carl's first glimpse of his bride. Aww!
La cérémonie
Making it official!
This photo was so fun. I did the traditional grouping and the aunts ask me "can we do something fun!?" YES! I told them all to strike a fun pose and yell "Woooo!" Well apparently everyone on the opposite side of the resort could hear it.
The guys being silly..
Hanging out in the ocean
La belle Sonia
The rocks
Carl being bad!
Infront of the waterfall and Lighthouse water slide.
Dig in
Amazing sunset
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Luckily I get to see this fun bunch one more time at their At Home Reception On Saturday as I really enjoyed the wedding!
Here's a quick glance at their honeymoon pictures.
Such an adorable couple.