A big Thank you to Tania Poole of Genesis Mobile Spa-http://www.genesisspaonline.com/
Tania did the makeup for the two sessions and for this session she also did Paula's hair, which was the loose Trash the Dress curls/style I was going for.
This was our Country Bride, Paula. I did her and Tony's country themed wedding back in October 2009 so she mentioned it was our anniversary for photography when I did her session on Thanksgiving Monday. For her engagement session, her and Tony had fishing poles and we had a ton of fun, for the wedding they had it at Stanley's Olde Maple Lane Farm in Edwards Ontario and it was very centered around the country feel so she was perfect to win the Country Bride themed Trash the Dress. We had so much fun driving around scouting locations and getting weird looks from passer-byers and ofcourse sitting ontop of piles of haybails together.
The hunting block Paula brought.
There were so many to choose from as we had three locations but these were the ones that really stood out to me.
The hay bails we were so happy to find. We also found a large spider in them which we tried to avoid!
Thanks so much to easy going Paula. I'm sure we'll be working together again soon :)